The violence that we condemn in the external world exists within us. We, each of us, are the violence in the world. If we deny this, if we push away the truth of this, then we are invariably perpetuating it. We must be actively struggling towards this realization for this is the necessary start and the only opportunity to exact real change. Herein lies the crucial importance of reflecting deeply on every thought and action. Anything less than a dedicated committment to this is not taking full responsibility for contributing to the violence upon others.
You say you are not violent, look again. Wherever there is a lack of honesty, a withholding, a refusal to give, a relunctance to set a clear boundary, an attachment to having it your way, a wanting something from someone that is based on past needs…These are the conscious or unconscious acts of violence in relationship.
If we want real peace in our lives and in the world at large, then we have to be committed to ending the violence within ourselves that we otherwise inevitably act out onto others. This difficult process begins with deep, unremittting self-reflection. It is motivated by seeing the harm caused. It is our calling as human beings.