Life is a journey of inner self-discovery; therapy can be your road map for this journey and a beacon into the unexamined life. From there, growth and awareness are possible. Self-examination and the right actions can bring an end to anxiety, depression, and conflict. Behaviors that emerge out of new awarenesses have the potential to change your life.



Being in an intimate relationship is the hardest challenge of all. Through an exploration of yourself in this context, real awareness and change become possible. Couples work may include individual and/or group sessions.


Weekly therapy groups provide an enlarged mirror for self-reflection. While giving and receiving feedback from others can be challenging, committing to this in a group setting becomes a valuable catalyst for change. 

Groups are a microcosm of one’s interactions and offer a way to study and explore those interactions in a safe environment.


We are relational beings by nature. By observing your habits, reactions and impulses in the context of others, you can develop the awarenesses that lead to change. Without this awareness, there is a tendency to recreate the past.



Please complete and return my (1) Therapist Disclosure Statement, (2) Notice of Privacy Practices, and (3) Group Therapy Policies & Disclosure before your first appointment.

Awareness is power. Consciousness is freedom.